In the Beyond PTSD practice I meet people with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), or as I prefer to refer to Post Traumatic Stress Symptoms (PTSD), because someone with PTSD is not 'disturbed', 'permanently broken' and there is there is nothing 'wrong' with them either – they are 'temporarily injured' and in need of urgent empathic, expert and in PTSD and Trauma specialized professional support.
What is the diversity of people attending the Beyond PTSD Practice with occupational or non-occupational PTSD?
These are for example;
People are often told that they no longer fit into a particular pre-defined 'box', they are even considered 'finished', as they are told that they can no longer be supported in their healing process.
As a result, one becomes hopeless, distraught, helpless and one sees (almost) no way out. Until the moment they were searching for a solution and found the Beyond PTSD website and they were curious to see if this might be an option for them too? It also happens frequently that a partner, brother/sister, boyfriend/girlfriend or other loved one 'tips' them about the Beyond PTSD website.
This however, until another moment of intense stress came along in their lives. Then the PTSD symptoms came back in full force – often perceived as even more severe than before. So the PTSD was not 'over'. Reducing symptoms is not the same as resolving PTSD. PTSD is only resolved when the preceding triggers that lead to the burdensome stress reactions have been resolved.
Although they for sure had Burnout symptoms, PTSD is very distinct from having a Burnout. Approaching PTSD as a Burnout leads obviouly to the wrong approach, loss of time and an increasingly serious and stressful situation for someone with PTSD. It is therefore very important to urgently distinguish PTSD from Burnout. This requires qualified and specialized expertise. Unfortunately this is not always a given when someone asks for assistance.
There may be a specific reason for this, for example that one has suddenly become aware through conversations in the family, that one has (early) childhood trauma (e.g. sexual abuse, physical abuse, serious bullying), or that one has suddenly started to become conscious of a pattern in the type of 'sickening relationships' that one had up to that point. It often turns out that narcissism or an antisocial personality of others has come to play a major role in private and work related relationships. This has led to long-lasting and severe suffering with far-reaching traumatic consequences.
Unconsciously people have started to feel less and less over the years, because "feeling" has unconsciously and sometimes consciously too, become incredibly painful. Often these are people who have high sensitivity -Highly Sensitive People (HSP), or HSP-High Sensation Seeker (HSP-HSS) as part of their personality. The irony is that these people can naturally feel very good. Feeling and connecting with others are part of their core strengths. So when one can feel less and less, one becomes more and more isolated from the outside world, one becomes less and less oneself. Eventually one lives as a 'caricature' of oneself. People who do get 'connected' to them during that period (including those in a relationships), ultimately turn out not to be connected with who they really are, but to the 'caricature' of themselves. Ultimately, this comes to a point where it is no longer 'life supporting' and people lose themselves and everything around them.
Living with PTSD and Trauma is living a burdenous life - it is not living the way you want to live. An integral PTSD and Trauma recovery process has been developed in such a way that you can recover integrally and continue to live with a good quality of life!
Do you recognize yourself or a loved one in this? Please contact me confidentially and without obligation for a free introductory meeting.
You can contact me by filling in the contact form on the PTSS Voorbij website, or by calling telephone number: (+31) (0)30-2006761.
Take back control of your health and your life or give it as a gift to a loved one – and do not forget that there is also a tailor made PTSD and trauma recovery trajectory for you or for your loved one!