Professional, specialized help

with Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms (PTSS) due to Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and Trauma


Your journey to holistic recovery starts here!

Become trauma free


Free yourself from your Post Traumatic Stress and

Trauma symptoms, by choosing an advanced

and specialized holistic PTSD and

trauma recovery process.


If you would like the opportunity to read a full copy of the Dutch PTSS Voorbij website and its publications, please follow this link.

Do you want to put your Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and trauma behind you?

Do you have residual symptoms despite previous approaches, or have you been told that you do not (or no longer) qualify for specialist support?

The past has brought you to where you are today - whether you want to continue with this, you decide for yourself from now on. What we don't resolve - keeps repeating itself.

Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms due to single or multiple trauma (sometimes called complex trauma) does not have to become a conclusion of your life, a situation you have to live with forever.

To be clear I prefer not to refer to the term complex trauma because the term alone has a particularly negative connotation. A person who has been labeled "complex" is often further and unnecessarily burdened by this - something that can be an unnecessary block to recovery.

Check out the website so you can get additional and especially different information about Post Traumatic Stress Symptoms (PTSS), PTSD, triggers and of course the road to recovery. Possibly the information will first of all give you more recognition, but hopefully also acknowledgement of your personal situation and where you are on the path of recovery.

You are a whole human being and deserve holistic recovery. But, to recover from the continuous hostile takeover of your conscious mind by powerful negative emotions requires expert, empathetic and most importantly specialized professional support.

Do you want to:


  • Get rid of restlessness in your head and increased irritability?
  • Make relapses and poor sleep disappear?
  • Resolve negative thoughts and gloomy mood?
  • Be able to read again with concentration and pleasure?
  • Be able to watch a movie again with interest and pleasure?
  • Be able to participate in activities again, being present in the here-and-now without disturbances to your peace?


A holistic recovery program is a customized, personal program and gives you all of the above and more - through support specialized in Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms - without intervention by third parties, directly and personal.

Beyond PTSD is a private practice - a recovery journey is entirely at your own expense - unless you receive financial support from your employer.

Holistic recovery from Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) does not mean that the situation(s) that led to trauma never happened. No, certainly not, but it does mean that the distress from the stuck patterns, the negative stress reactions created by the underlying trauma, are no longer there - so much so that they can no longer define your life.

The decision to seek specialized support can be overwhelming at first. This is especially true when resistance to this outweighs your desire to seek help and support. This may have arisen, for example, from negative experiences with previous professional support you may have had. Also, from fear there may be all sorts of sabotaging patterns present that stand in the way of recovery.

I understand this very well - I myself have experienced the major role that resistance, uncertainty and self-protection can play in the recovery process, but also the important role of self-awareness, self-insight and self-acceptance.

I have also personally experienced the serious and negative health effects that result. My coaching toward your self-healing is rooted in an immense gratitude I have for the given advanced intervention opportunities I am able to work with and for the holistic recovery process itself.

For many years, I have been very interested in the origins and effective resolution of performance problems caused by Post Traumatic Stress Symptoms. I have found that trauma can be multifaceted and compounded. It ranges from an event that is (consciously) happening to the person to repeated (from childhood) long-term exposure.

With my extensive health care and corporate history, as a specialized Coach I work with anyone with Post Traumatic Stress Symptoms (PTSS) due to occupational or non-occupational PTSD and trauma. I have seen that in both groups, not only the request for help, but very much the help itself, can be extremely unclear and sometimes even unnecessarily contradictory.

I use up-to-date, evidenced-based and progressive interventions during an integrated and holistic recovery process. On this basis, the underlying causes (triggers) of stress reactions; emotions, feelings, limiting beliefs, negative thoughts, or (fear) fantasies about the past or the future, form the basis of automatic, reflexive and above all uncontrollable and seriously disturbing Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms, can be resolved.

For as strange as it may sound, resolving Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms and trauma is not about focusing on resolving the (negative) stress reactions by which one has been and is continuously burdened.

The body is not only an information network as you will be able to read further more about this on the website - it is also an experiential body. You do feel all kinds of things in your body due to Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms and these reactions can lead to all kinds of experiences. However, once again, they are reactions that arise in the body. Reactions to the stress and imbalance created by triggers connected to situations in the here-and-now.

You cannot resolve a reaction at the level where the reaction originated (the body) and not without resolving the trigger, the origin, the source itself. The cause, source, the origin is the trigger. When the trigger is resolved, the stress reaction can no longer occur.

I work from a holistic trauma, recovery framework, where I without judgment

listen to what happened to you and I do not look for what is 'wrong' with you. You do not get pigeonholed again and you do not get another label (tag) put on you.

Integral and holistic recovery from PTSD and trauma goes (much) further than just resolving the triggers of the stress reactions (effects) of Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms (PTSS) due to PTSD and trauma.

Everyone comes into the practice with their own situation, personality and life, at the time of starting a recovery program. Standard in this work does not exist and a recovery process is not aimed at changing your personality - rather, it is aimed at you getting more in touch with your Essence - with who you really are and have always been. This gives your personality and the EGO, its proper place in your life and allows you to be more who you naturally are.

Of course, resolving PTSD and trauma symptoms remains central to a holistic recovery journey. A recovery program is therefore aimed at ensuring that after all the adjustments you have made in your life to survive first of all, you can then go back to living your own life. Be yourself again, make your own choices and live your life with courage and guts!

That is why you will be given many tools and you will learn all the andvanced and progressive interventions that are used. This way in the future you will be able to deal with with ups-and-downs in life and support yourself while living your life with a good quality of life.

Holistic recovery from trauma certainly requires a level of dedication and honesty. However, I am convinced that you already have within you everything you need to effectively recover.

I also believe that trauma recovery is based first and foremost on a partnership based on equality. Equality as human beings, in which clarity and openness about the possibilities for holistic recovery are paramount. In short, working together without secrets in confidence on a recovery journey, towards a new future.

You can easily get in touch via the contact form for an informal introductory meeting.




Integral and holistic Recovery

Hello, I'm Johan Reinhoudt.

I am a specialist in the recovery of occupational and non-occupational Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and Trauma Symptoms.

In practice, I use an integral and holistic Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and Trauma recovery trajectory developed by me.

A holistic recovery process is focused on a person as a whole (body, mind and spirit). It is filled with advanced and substantiated interventions and provides many supporting tools. Everything is aimed at effective recovery and targets living a life with a good quality of life.

An introductory meeting is without obligation and always free of charge. Via the contact form, an appointment is usually scheduled at short notice. I look forward to speaking with you about what a tailor-made recovery program might mean to you or to your loved one!

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It starts now!

Do you have any questions about this type of recovery trajectory, or would you like to schedule a no-obligation and free introductory meeting? Do not wait any longer - the sooner you start your recovery trajectory, the better - For you, but also for the people around you. This is first of all a gift to yourself, and you deserve it!

Contact Us

How can we help you?


PTSS Voorbij Kennis Blog

Twee vrouwen zitten aan een tafel en praten met elkaar.
By Johan Reinhoudt, oprichter PTSS Voorbij en ontwikkelaar van holistisch True Result PTSS en Trauma Recovery Coaching 8 March 2025
Herstel van Posttraumatische Stressverschijnselen (PTSV) en/of PTSS na trauma – geen ‘quick fix’, maar een holistisch herstelproces naar balans.
By Cliënt 20 February 2025
"Mijn grootste bezorgdheid was, denk ik, dat ik mij niet kon voorstellen dat ik überhaupt kon praten over de abortus. Dat ik het letterlijk niet uit kon spreken. Want waarom zou iemand dit na 20 jaar nog kunnen oplossen? Het resultaat is dat ik het wel uit kan schreeuwen en over niets anders meer wil praten. Het taboe is eraf, het schuldgevoel is weg, de emotionele lading is weg, de schaamte is weg, ik heb ontdekt dat ik een HSP ben, wat ik eigenlijk wel wist, maar alles nu beter begrijp. Dat ik daardoor mezelf altijd heb weggecijferd en me altijd anders moest voordoen dan wie ik eigenlijk ben. Voor het hersteltraject bracht elk bericht over abortus een reactie teweeg. Ik voelde me een moordenaar, schuldig en heel verdrietig. En bijna elke dag kwam het wel voorbij. Ik was wispelturig, boos, verdrietig, heel aanwezig, druk, veel praten. Maakte overal een grapje van. Hoe langer ik in het herstelproces was, hoe meer ik mezelf leerde kennen, hoe rustiger ik werd. Mijn hoofd werd letterlijk leeggeruimd. En dat gaf heel veel rust en acceptatie. Mijn favoriete onderdeel was Logosynthese, wat ik heb ervaren als een soort “hypnose”, waarin je als het ware in je hoofd kon kijken en bepaalde gebeurtenissen letterlijk voor je zag. Johan's persoonlijke begeleiding heeft alles bijgedragen aan mijn herstel. Ik zou je zeker aanbevelen aan iemand, omdat ik uit ervaring kan zeggen dat het je leven kan veranderen in positieve zin. Ook ik vertrouwde hulpverlening niet meer. Want ze snappen het niet. Dat zat zelf ook in mijn achterhoofd toen ik hier aan begon. Gaat Johan het snappen? Maar het gaat er niet om of Johan het snapt, het gaat erom of Johan je kan helpen om alles weer op de rit te krijgen. Hij helpt je om dit zelf op te kunnen lossen. Het moment dat ik de abortus een plekje kon geven, was voor mij de grootste overwinning, zo opgelucht, zo vrij in mijn hoofd, het benauwde keelgevoel was weg, ik kon letterlijk weer ademhalen. Ja, het vrije ademhalen was de grootste verandering. Het mediteren en het schrijven was heel veel. Wat mij het meest verraste was dat een man me zou kunnen begrijpen en mij zou kunnen helpen. Dat een man het gevoel snapt wat ik ook voel. Heel fijn vond ik dat. Tegen jou die op dit moment wellicht worstelt met PTSV en/of PTSS na trauma en die aarzelt om hulp te vragen, zou ik willen zeggen: Ik snap dat je denkt dat je hier nooit meer uitkomt. Want niemand begrijpt je en niemand zit op jouw problemen te wachten. Misschien wil je wel niet meer leven, want waarom zou je nog verder willen? En toch is er iemand die je wel begrijpt, en die wel naar je luistert en je echt kan helpen. En als je eenmaal het traject hebt afgesloten, dan ziet de wereld er ineens heel anders uit en denk je letterlijk anders. Je hoofd is leeg en je hebt een handleiding gekregen om met jezelf en anderen om te gaan. Heel verhelderend! Dankzij mijn gespecialiseerde trauma herstel coach ben ik een totaal ander mens geworden. Ik ben zo ontzettend leuk! En zo trots op mezelf! Ik zou hier nog aan toe willen voegen dat ik voor de laatste sessie emotioneel was. Want kan ik het wel alleen? Wat als ik twijfel of het even niet meer weet? Ik ga onze gesprekken missen, het vertrouwde, het begrip. Maar ik weet ook dat ik door Johan zoveel heb geleerd dat ik het alleen heel goed kan. Ik ben zoveel sterker geworden, zo zekerder van mezelf. Dank – Dank – Dank. Ik beveel Johan zeker aan bij anderen en ik geef hem een "10" voor zijn werk!" - CB - #cliënt #review #aanbeveling #ptssvoorbij #ptssherstel #ptss #cptss #ptsv #posttraumatische stressverschijnselen #traumahealing #transformatie #regieoverjeleven #hsp #loslaten #hooggevoeligheid #hoogsensitiviteit #zingeving #bewustzijn #healing #heling #coaching #holistisch #integraal #persoonlijkeontwikkeling #abortus #onderbrokenzwangerschap
Jonge-vrouw-die-in-gedachten-en-vol-compassie-naar-buiten-kijkt-AI-afbeelding-Johan Reinhoudt
By Johan Reinhoudt, oprichter PTSS Voorbij en ontwikkelaar van holistisch True Result PTSS en Trauma Recovery Coaching 8 February 2025
Als HSP (hooggevoelige mensen) hebben we een bijzondere gave om ons te willen verbinden met anderen en diep met de ander mee te voelen. Tegelijkertijd zijn we ook altijd bezig met het ‘voelen’ of we toch niet afgewezen worden. We kunnen hierbij drie niveaus van meevoelen onderscheiden. Juist de gave om te verbinden met anderen kan een valkuil voor ons worden. Deze kennis in de praktijk brengen is belangrijk voor holistisch herstel van PTSV en/of PTSS na trauma.
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