Special and very nice to make a podcast about Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) together with Rachel Noach (www.beinharmony.nl).
We talk about many things, for example about what PTSD is, how it arises, how you can recognize it, but also about the consequences of "time and PTSD" and the relationship between PTSD and high sensitivity (HSP). see on a CT scan or X-ray and even though it can develop for a long time after a trauma, it can happen to anyone. Therefore, let's especially listen carefully and understand people who 'drop out' at work and expert, in PTSD offer specialized professional help, so that a path to an effective and integral recovery opens for these people and not a dead end to 'lifelong PTSD'. Living with PTSD is surviving and living with PTSD symptoms after recovery trajectory(s) is still surviving and happy not (any longer) necessary with the current progressive interventions.
Have fun listening!
#trauma #traumahealing #transformation #directionoveryourlife #hsp #letting go #meaning #consciousness #healing #coaching #personal development #beinharmony
Why is there so much uncertainty and confusion about Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, often abbreviated as “PTSD”?
Is it or is it not a mental disorder, or is it even a disorder, or is it not? In other words, is PTSD between the ears or not?
Let's see together whether these and other questions can be answered in the affirmative?
If we don't see the development of PTSD as a psychological disorder, but as a normal reaction to what has been a (too) shocking event for someone, the result would be that it is suddenly no longer a medical problem.
Would someone then be able to recover from PTSD effectively and with a good quality of life?
Is the permanent of PTSD therefore more stored in the conviction of a care provider and later through transfer in the person with PTSD?
Given the current treatment framework, which is followed by the care for PTSD and trauma, someone with PTSD is indeed seen as psychologically ill.
But is this so?
Listen to this podcast for answers to all these questions and more.
Have fun listening!
Additional information:
The web link to the previously published PTSD in Beeld article "The PTSD Flashback-Infographic":
#trauma #traumahealing #traumarecover #traumahersteltraject #ptsshersteltraject #ptsscoaching #coaching
From Quantum Physics we have known for more than a hundred years that everything is energy - including trauma and PTSD.
If energy can no longer flow freely, this results in a disrupted information supply.
Thus, the source of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a trauma-induced energy disruption. It is not the traumas, but the stress reactions that continue.
Emotion is also energy, namely energy in 'motion' (in motion) - In PTSD, a change in protein composition occurs in response to emotions as a result of Trauma.
Unconsciously present high sensitivity leads to 'extra' burden, (serious) performance problems - and also to a greater chance of developing Trauma (and PTSD).
Shocking events that lead to Trauma cause an energy disturbance and in about 20% of cases this leads to the development of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), or as I prefer the development of “PTSV” (Post Traumatic Stress Symptoms).
Living with PTSD is survival and living with PTSD symptoms (residual complaints) after recovery trajectory(s) is still survival and fortunately no longer necessary with the current progressive interventions.
Do you recognize yourself or a loved one in this podcast?
Please contact us for a free and non-binding introductory meeting via the contact form on the website.
Have fun listening!
Additional information:
The webpage with more information about the relationship between high sensitivity (HSP) and PTSD: www.ptssvoorbij.nl/hoogsensitivity-HSP-en-PTSS
The web link to the previously published PTSD in Beeld article "DE PTSD Flashback-Infographic": www.ptssvoorbij.nl/de-ptss-flashback-infographic
#ptss #trauma #ptss recovery trajectory #high sensitivity #traumahealing #transformation #directionoveryourlife #hsp #letting go
#meaning #consciousness #healing #coaching #personal development